
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Me in a nutshell (a.k.a. 100 words)

My name is Aaron Fielding, and I come from a little place in Southern Indiana called Charlestown.  I tried to get to know a large amount of kids in my high school and also in my stake.  I love the Gospel, soccer, snowboarding, food, computers, and cameras.  I want to be a movie director, and I just love the feeling of filming and editing videos.  I also love dating.  I am afraid of sharks and being told no when asking a girl on a date.  There really isn't anything that I hate; I'd rather be optimistic.  I am a natural leader, I play piano, and I just love life!


  1. Indiana. That's a long ways away. Also, why did Indiana steal Charlestown from South Carolina? How did you even move a city that big so far? I mean, I could understand how North Carolina could steal it, but how do you move a city all the way to Indiana?

    How well did you do at getting to know lots of people? You didn't mention if you were successful or not. In the word of Yoda, "Do or do not. There is no try." I would be terrible at that. I have a tendency to have one really close friend and not worry about knowing lots of people.

  2. Yes, Indiana is definitely a long ways away. Charlestown wasn't stolen from South Carolina contrary to popular belief, and I have two ways of proving it. One, South Carolina's capitol city is spelled Charleston as opposed to Charlestown. Two, Charlestown, Indiana was surveyed by Charles Beggs and John Hay and was founded in 1808. The town was named after the afore mentioned Charles.
    To answer the next set of questions, I was successful! It was fun getting to know a ton of people, and I look forward to doing it out here at BYU, too.

  3. I do have a question, what video editing software would you suggest for someone who might be interested in making a Fan Film? Anyway, you sound a little like one of my friends from Moscow ID, only he was interested in Airsoft instead of soccer and snowboarding. Also, you said you loved computers and wanted to be a movie director, so what did you think of Captain America? And last, do you know how to play any classical music? Hall of the Mountain King, Turkish Rondo, that sort of thing.

  4. I would suggest Final Cut Pro. It's not cheap by any means, but it's my favorite video-editing software. If you want something simple, you can use iMovie which comes on any Apple computer. Premiere Pro is also good, but I like Final Cut personally. If you go to the fourth floor in the library on campus, you can use their iMacs to edit video.
    I loved Captain America. I am a Marvel fan anyway, and I was very impressed with how they told his story. It wasn't perfectly accurate by any means, but the changes were very much worth it in my opinion. Good movie, but Harry Potter was my favorite of the summer.
    Sadly, I don't. I play more simple music. I mostly just play songs that I, my cousin, or one of my uncles wrote. I am working on learning the Hymns now.
