
Thursday, December 8, 2011

What I learned in Writing 150 w/ Sister Elliott

Well, I can definitely say that this class gave me a real perspective of college work.  It wasn't necessarily hard work, but it was the amount of work that an honors class should have.  I enjoyed how much our class got along. I learned so much about rhetoric.  I had no idea there was so much to it!  I had never even heard of logos, pathos, and ethos.  I also learned a lot about research.  In high school, I learned how to do research, but not much about how and when a source is useful.  It was good to learn about research because I applied it in all my other classes.  Overall, I enjoyed this class, and I'm glad that I was able to experience it this semester.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dark Water Film Analysis

            This film was excellent example of the use of music and sound in films.  To begin with, I don’t like horror films.  They just aren’t my kind of film.  This film, however, intrigued me.  The theme was very interesting.  It was actually kind of neat to see another’s perspective of the afterlife.  The film was a horror film, meaning the purpose was to invoke fear.  The music and sound in this movie excellently contributed that purpose.
            The film used the sound of dripping water a great deal throughout the movie.  This sound was an obvious success.  The presence of water was the indicator that the little girl in the raincoat was near.  It came to the point where any sound of water was horrifying.  The sound of dripping water was always playing when it was otherwise silent.  It started subtly at the beginning of the movie, and as the film progressed, the water dripping became louder and faster to increase the intensity.  The water stains on the ceiling grew larger and larger and the water flowed more and more.  As it got closer to the end of the movie, there was less dripping and more sounds of rushing water.  These sounds wonderfully achieved the goal of giving fear to the viewers.
            The music also appealed to that fear really well.  The film used creepy music anytime the mom caught a glimpse of the little girl.  She appeared randomly throughout the apartment building and the school, and the music always helped to start that creepy feeling.  With all the build-up that the music and sounds created, by the time it actually showed the girl it was scary.  The music was used even subtly to push a scary feeling.  Sometimes it was loud and intense, but mostly it just played in the background to keep that creepy mood throughout the film.
            At the end of the movie, when the mom finally encounters the little girl, the girl says something in a weird scary voice.  This voice alone was a use of sound that, again, accomplished its task.  The short scream was just enough to trigger fear in the audience.  The face of the girl was scary, too, but in reality the noise was really what gave the needed affect.
            Music and sound are two major contributors of feelings in film.  This particular film was invoking fear, and it used sound and music successfully to do so.  The most obvious use of sound was the dripping water.  Whether or not water itself was in the frame, the sound was present.  Music was also a large factor in striking fear.  It was always there.  It was quiet, and it was loud, but regardless, it had the same affect.  The scream was one particular use of sound that worked well.  Again, this film was an obvious selection for exemplifying music and sound in film.

The General and His Wooden Wedding: A Great Works Response to two silent films

            When I sat down to watch these silent films, I was not looking forward to spending my evening watching an old film.  I underestimated how well done old films could be.  I also liked how simple Charlie Chaplin really is.  He is simple but effective.  In The General I specifically enjoyed the music and the simplicity of it.  I think that simplicity was easily a major lesson that I could learn from watching these old films.
            That’s the thing about the silent film.  It was simple.  It was full of funny notions to make people laugh, but it had the romance that people enjoy.  It was filled with full actions so viewers would understand the story without dialogue.  There were no major special effects.  It was merely simple but hilarious.  Charlie Chaplin and the main character in The General were both very funny to watch.  Their faces explained their feelings very well.  That means they would have had to be great actors to effectively explain their emotions on the screen.  Some films are way too much the opposite of a silent film.  If a film is all dialogue and no acting, then it is rendered ineffective and boring to the viewers.  There must always be good acting whether dialogue is there or not.
            Another effective addition to the film was the music that stretched throughout the length of the film.  The music kept the mood.  If it was fast and exciting music, it was a fast and exciting part.  If the music was slow and calm, then the story was slow and calm.  The guy in The General was sometimes sad.  Sometimes he was happy, or scared, or angry, or nervous.  The music never failed to match his mood.  When he was sad, the music was sad, when he was nervous, the music was nerve-racking, and so forth.
            I really enjoyed stretching out of my comfort zone to watch and analyze these two films.  The simple plots with simple acting and simple effects kept the entire thing entertaining.  It reminds us that a movie does not have to be stuffed with effects for it to be any good, but it simply needs to have the basics of a good film with a good story.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving. :)

1.                               My Savior
2.                               Existence
3.                               Knowledge
4.                               Education
5.                               Love
6.                               Truth
7.                               Honor
8.                               Trustworthiness
9.                               Social People
10.                           My Social Skills
11.                           My dad
12.                           My mom
13.                           Shavonne’s love
14.                           Sadie’s cheery attitude
15.                           Alex’s humor
16.                           Suzannah’s smarts
17.                           Stephanie’s love for me
18.                           The Church in my life
19.                           Baptism
20.                           Missionary Work
21.                           The Honor Code
22.                           Modesty
23.                           The Word of Wisdom
24.                           My Calling
25.                           Guidance by the Holy Ghost
26.                           The Priesthood
27.                           Prayer
28.                           My Father in Heaven and His love for me
29.                           The Prophet, Thomas S. Monson
30.                           Joseph Smith
31.                           My ancestors
32.                           My Grandparents for raising my dad
33.                           My Grandparents for raising my mom
34.                           Bob Hall
35.                           Digital Connectors
36.                           Mike Gillenwater
37.                           Nick Hebert’s example to me
38.                           Miles for Merry Miracles
39.                           Luke Gillenwater’s care for people
40.                           My talent in Soccer
41.                           My knowledge and skill with computers and technology
42.                           Film
43.                           My opportunities to work with films and commercials
44.                           Food
45.                           Girls
46.                           My talent with snowboarding
47.                           Nature
48.                           Trees
49.                           Mountains
50.                           My Father’s love and care for me
51.                           My talent with wave running
52.                           My Dating Experiences
53.                           Darwin and Lisa and their family for taking care of me
54.                           Darin and Brandi and their family for welcoming me
55.                           Lex and her kindness to invite me for thanksgiving
56.                           Hyrum, Ryan, and Michael and their patience with me as a kid
57.                           My home to live in
58.                           My parent’s home
59.                           Clothes to wear
60.                           Nice shoes that I love
61.                           Food to eat
62.                           A job to provide for myself
63.                           A bed to sleep in
64.                           Working furnace to keep me warm
65.                           My opportunity to come to BYU
66.                           This laptop I’ve been given to get my work done
67.                           My roommates
68.                           Dale and his example to take care of a family
69.                           Christie and her humility with her family and hard work
70.                           McKenna and her love and joy
71.                           Gus and his willingness to work hard
72.                           Gracie and her love for me
73.                           Kyler and his love for trains and cuteness
74.                           The Bensfields and all that they did for me
75.                           The Graves and their service and examples
76.                           The Speirs and their love and care for their callings
77.                           The Hall family and their love for us
78.                           The opportunity I have to have the temple so close to me
79.                           The Nauvoo temple and all the opportunities I had to go there
80.                           The City of Nauvoo
81.                           The beautiful landscape in Indiana
82.                           The good Christian people that helped raise me
83.                           The internship I had during High School
84.                           Brandon and his sense of humor
85.                           Kie and his joy and happiness to spread
86.                           Virtue
87.                           Coats and warm clothes
88.                           My dad’s job
89.                           My mom’s creativity
90.                           My mom’s lessons
91.                           My mom’s food
92.                           My mom’s ability to sew
93.                           My mom’s touch
94.                           Dry Lightning storms
95.                           Mrs. Berger
96.                           Mr. Tolliver
97.                           Mr. Null
98.                           Ms. O’Neal
99.                           Mrs. Myers
100.                        Mr. Snelling
101.                        My talent to play the piano
102.                        Classic Disney movies
103.                        Other classic movies that Sadie and I enjoy together. J
104.                        Time
105.                        Laughing
106.                        Laughing specifically with Alex
107.                        Hanging out with Stephanie
108.                        P90x
109.                        Harry Potter
110.                        Three Musketeers
111.                        Kiefer Sutherland
112.                        24
113.                        Phineas and Ferb
114.                        Psych
115.                        Flipper
116.                        Inception
117.                        Maps
118.                        Cars
119.                        The Civic
120.                        My Nissan Truck… L I miss it
121.                        Home Teaching
122.                        Home Teachers
123.                        Panda Express
124.                        My Dad’s Theater Room
125.                        Clocks
126.                        Lights
127.                        Scriptures
128.                        The Ensign
129.                        Sight
130.                        Smell
131.                        Hearing
132.                        Taste
133.                        My Voice
134.                        My Health
135.                        My Metabolism
136.                        Feet
137.                        Hands
138.                        Joints
139.                        President Savage
140.                        President Porter
141.                        President Bethany
142.                        Bishop Merrill
143.                        My Hair
144.                        My teeth
145.                        Opportunity to have braces
146.                        Healthy bones
147.                        Water Bottles
148.                        My Eyelashes
149.                        Cologne
150.                        Toothpaste
151.                        Body Wash
152.                        Shampoo
153.                        Deodorant
154.                        Toilet Paper
155.                        Sean Aaron
156.                        My Counselors
157.                        My new Secretary
158.                        Missionaries
159.                        Nathan Bills
160.                        Garett Madril
161.                        Garrett Phipps, Isaac Ostlund, Brent Ledger
162.                        Rachel Hall and her roommates
163.                        How to Train your Dragon
164.                        How to Train your Dragon Soundtrack
165.                        John Powell
166.                        John Williams
167.                        Brian Regan
168.                        Pirates of the Caribbean movies
169.                        Charlie and the Chocolate factory
170.                        Christmas
171.                        The Christmas Season
172.                        Christmas Lights
173.                        Christmas Trees
174.                        Christmas Treats
175.                        Christmas Music
176.                        The Christmas Spirit
177.                        Boy Scouts
178.                        My Family’s example of being successful
179.                        My Eagle Scout award
180.                        Friends
181.                        Steven Spielberg
182.                        Jurassic Park
183.                        Jurassic Park’s Soundtrack
184.                        Jeff Palmer
185.                        The Wigleys
186.                        The Combs
187.                        The Werners
188.                        The Farmers
189.                        Star Wars
190.                        The Lord of the Rings
191.                        Girls who care
192.                        The Ohio River
193.                        Our Boat
194.                        My Dad’s Truck
195.                        My Mom’s Highlander
196.                        Nice Sport Cars
197.                        Soft Carpet
198.                        Basketball
199.                        Wood Floors
200.                        Homemade Food

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Film Analyses

Hey guys, sorry if this doesn't interest you, but my TA in my film class suggested I start a blog where I analyze movies to help me get better at it.  I decided I like the idea.  It's fun to write about what you love, and I love movies.  A little more background information?  Well, I want to be a movie director.  So I'm taking this film class as a pre-requisite for my major.  I'm learning so much in that class, and it is just way too much fun.  So I decided to go ahead and use this blog as my analysis blog for films that I watch.  So keep your eyes peeled for my analyses, and if you care to read and comment, that would be great! :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

#13 Issues Paper Update

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been up to date with my posts.  I'm officially caught up in all of my classes now, and I will try harder to do better (story of my life).  Anyway, the issues paper is wonderful.  So far, I have been doing a bunch of research, and I have learned so much!  My paper is on the benefits of social networking, not only socially, but economically and organizationally as well.  Of course there are plenty of cons to social networking, but there are also many pros, so I am excited to write about it.  Any thoughts?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Veil of Tears

This article was neat to read.  We don't typically think about how we affect other cultures.  We don't worry whether or not it is fair to push our culture.  We just think that our culture is best because that's how we live and everybody else should live like that, too.  Right?  Wrong.  What's right for one person, or even an entire culture, may not be right to another person or culture.  Everyone has the right to grow in their own way or at their own pace.  It isn't fair to force our way.  I just found it interesting to think that we do things like that without even realizing it sometimes.  The author did a good job of making me think about the topic from the start.  I think sometimes it's hard to convince people of something when they don't know anything about it.  It's important to be really informant which was well done in this article.  I feel like I learned enough about it to agree with the author.