
Monday, September 12, 2011

Personal Narrative Response

Hey guys!  First, I'd like to give you an update.  Sorry I didn't post last week, I got really sick Thursday and was sick all through Saturday, but I made it to church on Sunday!  I'm much better today so I'm just getting all caught up on my work.

I read the narratives on Thursday and I really enjoyed them!  I particularly enjoyed Love Story Fades to Black by Michael Potter.  I almost felt like I was reading my future journal.  Not because of the topic, but just the way he explained everything.  I related so well to his explanation of the entire scenario.  I liked how he explained everything like it was a pre-written movie script gone wrong.

The voice that Michael used in the narrative was just easily relatable for me.  I understood what he was saying and how he was saying it.  I enjoyed his style of going back and forth between a description of what was happening, and his personal thoughts and feelings of the conversation.  In my opinion, it was a well written narrative.

I also really agree with the idea of the narrative.  Sometimes I feel like girls forget that we men have feelings, too.  It is definitely hard to for all of us to be selfless, but it seems like it's more of a responsibility of the gentleman.  I have definitely had experiences where I have talked to a girl and felt like we had a relationship.  Things would seem to be going just fine on my part.  I liked her she liked me, etc.  Then, she's on the phone with her boyfriend.  What?  Talk about confusion.  So I feel for Michael.  I understand where he is coming from and enjoyed reading his story.


  1. I'm glad you are feeling better. I actually wrote about the same story. However, I analyzed the structure and you analyzed the theme more. I like your insights from personal experiences you have had that were similar. I've never really been in a situation like that so it was more difficult for me tor relate to the story.

  2. I realized that comment is probably a bit too short so I'll add more. I also liked the movie script gone wrong approach he used. It showed a lot of insight into the way the author thinks, and also enforced the fact that he had planned exactly how he wanted the meeting to go. The author could have used other methods but I don't think they would have been effective.

  3. The thing I liked about your response is that it was easy to follow, and it was even possible to get a good idea of what the overall theme was if you hadn't read the narrative. (on a side note, what book was it in and what page, I can't find where it is, and I wanted to reread it) I will say this though, I have a hard time relating to stories by other people. I'm not sure why, but I never am able to relate other people's experiences to my own.
